Born and raised in New Jersey
I wanted to play drums but my Dad had a guitar; so...

My first club gig was at the age of 17, covering Doors, Stones, etc.
My first paid recording session was on one of those plastic records that came inside of MAD magazine. Really!

I mixed sound for a while with a popular local band. They had awesome PA gear.
...and I played rock and r&b in local bars in and around NJ/NY, covering EW&F, Steely Dan, T.O.P., Boz, etc.

Ft Lauderdale, FL:
...played mostly rock and disco while there - several recording sessions and lots of club dates.
...and some live mixing; at a couple of really nice clubs (as house engineer). One club had a 14 piece house band with horns and strings!

Atlanta, GA:
...played some country, some rock and swing here. ... sessions here as well.
Mixed FOH at the Agora Ballroom.

At this point, I decided to get some professional help. So, I moved to Boston, MA to attend the Berklee College of Music.
...worked as a bartender to pay rent and tuition.
I didn’t play all that much while there. Writing consumed most of my time.
I graduated!. major was 'Arranging for Large Ensemble'. I figured that this would help me to communicate with just about any instrumentalist on the planet. I think it worked out for me.
Music school also expanded my understanding of improvosational theory. ...and I was reading music pretty well by this time!

Seattle, WA: I ended up living there for 9 or 10 years.

Thinking back, attending music school was the best thing I could have done. I was immediately interfacing with music and musicians at a higher level, which led to gigs and sessions with more professional players. Directing and playing in a variety of bands, including a one year stint directing an 18 piece jazz band, lots of union gigs and recording sessions, production work, writing arrangements (for pay!), music publishing and teaching! ...40+ students per week through local colleges and music shops.

...back to the east coast:
I’m not sure what happened, but I ended up working as a software engineer for the next 10 years - they must have made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. I can say that this gig was responsible for a couple of nice cars, a nice house, a few nice guitars, and a 24 track recording rig with some nice mics and outboard gear. ... nice!
I was spending evenings and weekends in my home studio, recording my own stuff as well as bringing in other projects on occasion.

I am very much enjoying the 'digital age'.

Well, the software gig made me another offer I couldn't refuse - this time to leave the company, so I sold the house, loaded up and headed south to North Carolina around Christmas time of '06

I’m here, in a new house and new studio space, playing, producing, engineering, writing and teaching.
Best of all, I'm collaborating with creative people in the area on several projects.
...and enjoying life!

© 1997-2013 Dark River Productions, all rights reserved.